Kittens, Galore!

Yes! We have Kittens! I know, it has been a long time since I have posted, and so much has happened these last few months. My son’s fiancé brought over her kitty, Mr Fry, and things happened! 🙂

This is Sarah
This is Sarah, with her adopted Mom, Mama Marie, who is also with Kitty.
This is Mr Bubbles who also belongs to my son’s fiancé. Mama will make it a point to get to know every dog in her sphere of influence!
Mama also thinks she has the right to go anywhere she wants! Oh My! That Cat!
Of Course, Mr Bubbles likes the idea of High Living too!
My little Macha, who is getting on in years has a big surprise coming!
Yup! Mama even won Macha over!
The amazing thing is that Mama decided to have her kittens in Macha’s bed! I don’t have any photos, but Macha was licking the babies too, when they were just born, I did have to separate them, because Macha’s vision is not good and she was stepping on the babies when she tried to go out her doggie door. But it was one of the most beautiful moments to see my little Macha welcoming these little kitties into the world so gently and tenderly!
On July 27th, 2021 Mama Marie had four. Marmalade, The boy tabby, his sister, Creamette, Elizabeth, the calico, and Little Fry, who is the spitting image of his daddy!
Two days later Sarah had three. Mr Boots, Smokey, and Cali
We were a little worried about whether she would be a good mom or not. Her mom was a teenage kitty, who abandoned the kittens. Mama Marie adopt Claire and Sarah and they all came to our house to live. Clair has found another home, but I am so glad that we have all these adorable kittens! Sarah has turned out to be a very good mom!
Growing Kittens!
It is hard to tell Marmalade and Creamette apart!
YES! Kitty Sharing! Isn’t it wonderful! 🙂
YUP! Everyone would drink wherever there was room! It has been amazing to be a part of this journey! 🙂
As they have grown, I have started to find kittens in unlikely places! Here is Smokey, taking a little siesta. He doesn’t like to be late to Din-Din!
Even in my flower bed, which was a No-No Elizabeth! More Lemongrass!
There is Little Fry, son to Mr Fry, looking meditative! LOL
Marmalade and Creamette
Or is that Creamette and Marmalade!
Little Cali over by the wood pile
Miss Elizabeth curled up with the rake
This is Mr Boots yawning, or maybe Cali is inspecting his teeth! LOL
There is a better picture.
Mr Boots is always the first one to come run and greet me, when I come out in the morning! 🙂

6 thoughts on “Kittens, Galore!

  1. When did Charles become engaged?! Please share any details that you are free to.

    So if I counted right you now have 9 cats, how delightful! They are all so cute and nice looking it’s hard to pick a favorite. I imagine you love Macha as much as all the cat/kittens combined .
    It’s wonderful to hear from you.May our Lord’s blessings on you multiply as much as those kitties do.

    1. Hi Mary, Yes, My son is engaged and will be married on October 16th! One week from today! We are having a Co-ed Shower today! LOL, You can’t tell how excited I am, Can you? 😉 I am so happy for both of them! His fiancé is a warm, lovely, caring young woman, who loves the Lord! It is wonderful to see their love for each other! 🙂 I hope to post photo’s and maybe video of the wedding out here so I can have access to those memories for a long time!

      About the Kittens? Yes! Nine Cats! Oh My! But they are a delight each day. Even if they have been naughty, I find it hard to stay mad at them. Although tearing up my garden was a Big No No! Destroyed my Mizuna, and I don’t have any seeds for next year, the little dickens!

      May the Lord bless you too. In His many wonderful ways!

  2. Rachel,

    The kittens are adorable, as are the stories of their momma’s. I am sure they have been a lively addition! Are you intending on keeping them all on or find homes for them?

    All the best to to the happy couple today!!!

    1. Melissa! Hello my friend! We will probably end up keeping most of them. Maybe all of them. If they don’t eat me out of house and home! LOL I am feeding them well while they are little. Even so, they are still catching the occasional mouse. I just don’t want them to have to wander far for food until they get a chance to learn the ways of the Wilds of Arizona! We do have coyotes out here. Too close for comfort, these days. With winter setting in, I am praying they will be okay!

      The Wedding was absolutely beautiful! Precious, special, wonderful! I will be writing about it soon! 🙂

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